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Cerami Chiara
Cerami Chiara
Associate Professor
Organization Unit: CLASSE SUV
Scientific Discipline: Neurologia


Chiara Cerami Chiara Cerami is Associate Professor of Neurology at the University School of Advanced Studies IUSS-Pavia. She graduated in Medicine in 2004 at the University of Palermo, and specialised in cognitive neurology, clinical neuropsychology and molecular imaging at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele. From 2011 to 2018 she was post-doc research fellow at the Unit of Structural and Molecular Imaging in vivo in human at the San Raffaele Scientific Institute in Milan, then senior researcher at the IUSS School of Pavia (2019-2022). Her main areas of scientific interest are the study of neural correlates of social cognition disorders in aging and neurodegenerative disorders, and the digitization in clinical neuropsychology and cognitive neurorehabilitation.
