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Gender Equality Report and GEP

The University School for Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia  is a young institution, established in 2005; with its first Gender Balance Report IUSS begins a process of data evaluation in order to constantly grow and overcome any obstacles to gender equality within its Community.

The Gender Balance Report provides an accurate analysis of the community, taking into account the students, the faculty and the staff.



IUSS School, having regard to the Vademecum for the elaboration of the Gender Equality Plan developed by the CRUI Foundation and the Horizon Europe Guidance on Gender Equality Plans developed by the European Commission, has adopted the School's Gender Equality Plan (GEP) 2025/2027.

The GEP was drafted by the Gender Equality Plan working group  appointed by Rectoral Decree No. 212/2021 and composed as follows:

Prof. Riccardo Pietrabissa, Rector;
Ing. Giuseppe Conti, Head  of  the  Administration;
Prof. Chiara Cerami, President of the Equal Opportunities Commitee;
Prof.ssa Eleonora Catricalà, Delegate of the Gender Equality Report Committee
