Cristiano Chesi (1975) is Associate Professor of Linguistics at the University School for Advanced Studies (IUSS Pavia) and Director of NETS (IUSS Center for Neurocognition, Epistemology and Theoretical Syntax) since September 2016.
Ph.D. in Cognitive Sciences at University of Siena (2005) and researcher in the same university at CISCL (Interdepartmental Center for Cognitive Studies of Language) as Computational Linguist.
His research areas are Computational Linguistics (grammatical formalisms, complexity theory, Parsing and Machine Translation), Language Acquisition and Linguistic Disabilities (deafness, aphasia and SLI). He collaborated with the Microsoft Language Development Center (Lisbon); Marie Curie Fellowship in 2004 at City University of London, Erasmus professor at University of Geneva, Visiting Scholar at MediaLab and Dep. of Linguistics at MIT (Cambridge, MA), Visiting student at IRST (Institute for Scientific and Technological Research of Trento), Erasmus student at University of Rennes II (France).
Among the main projects he participated in, it is worth mentioning the european project "Fala Global 2008" for Worldwide Development of Speech Technnology and the national research project "FIRB 2009": Fundamental research on language in the service of the Italian language). He participated in the development of the OS Microsoft Windows Mobile 7 and 8 and he created Machine Learning classifiers for Primary Progressive Aphasia variants (Wellcome Trust, UK). He developed an on-line "Italian" > "Italian Sign Language" Machine Translation demo tool and an aligned, fully annotated, corpus plus a visual editing tool for semi-automatic tagging of new linguistic data (Centro Ricerche RAI, public broadcast television, Siena University Treebank) and a demo parser for Italian (Phase-based Minimalist Parser) based on a (minimalist, in the sense of Chomsky 1995) grammatical framework dubbed "Phase-based Minimalist Grammar" (PMG, Chesi 2007). A related project is Top-Down Left-Right Grammars.
He edited 3 books, and authored 4. He published more than 40 articles including journal papers (in journals like Linguistic Inquiry and Journal of Psycholinguistic Research a.o.), proceedings (GLOW and LREC, a.o.) and book chapters (McGraw-Hill & Oxford University Press a.o.).
- Introduction to linguistic computationCorso di Studi: THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL LINGUISTICS
- Reading group: Advances in computational linguisticsCorso di Studi: THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL LINGUISTICS
- Macchine parlanti: spiegazioni linguistiche e complessitàCorso di Studi: HUMAN SCIENCES AREA,