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Martina Mario Lloyd Virgilio
Full Professor
Organization Unit: CLASSE STS
Scientific Discipline: Costruzioni idrauliche e marittime e idrologia


Mario Martina Mario Martina is the head of the Department of Science, Technology and Society, the coordinator of the inter-university doctoral course on Sustainable Development and Climate Change (PhD - SDC) and full professor in hydrology at the University School for Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia. His research interests include: risk modelling for weather-related hazards, applications of risk models in the insurance and re-insurance industry, assessment of the socio-economic impacts of climate change and disaster risk financing mechanisms. He teaches courses on natural hazard risk modelling to undergraduates and to master/PhD students. He has been the supervisor of more than  20 PhD students. 
He graduated as civil environmental engineer, got the PhD in hydrological modelling and worked as post-doc for several years at the University of Bologna, Italy. During that period, He spent some periods abroad (USA and UK) as visiting researcher.
After his post-doc and before being an academic researcher, he worked as a professional engineer in the fields of environmental engineering, insurance risk engineering and loss adjustment. During that period, he gained experience in the design of renewable (hydro, wind and solar) energy plants, in natural hazard risk assessment for the re-insurance industry and in insurance loss adjustment of both natural catastrophes and technological claims.
