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Research Centres

La Scuola IUSS ha attivato i seguenti centri di ricerca:

  • Iuss COgnitive Neuroscience Center - ICoN
  • Linguistics & Philosophy IUSS Center - L&PIC
  • Centro di Formazione e Ricerca per la Mitigazione del Rischio Sismico (ROSE)
  • COmplex Risk and Data Analysis (CORDA)
  • Climate change impAct studies for RISk MAnagement - CARISMA
  • Center for the Analysis of the Earth and the Local Universe from Space (CAELUS).
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Centre for Training and Research on Reduction of Seismic Risk - ROSE

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Climate change impAct studies for RISk MAnagement - CARISMA

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COmplex Risk and Data Analysis - CORDA

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Iuss Cognitive Neuroscience Center - ICoN

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Linguistics & Philosophy IUSS Center - L&PIC

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