Alessandro Caiani is an Associate Professor at the University School for Advanced Studies Pavia (IUSS Pavia). He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Pavia. He formerly worked as a Postdoc at the Marche Polytechnic University and, as a Junior Researcher, at the University of Pavia, where he taught Economic Policy. He contributed to several national and international projects and he is the scientific coordinator of the “Evolutionary Economic Simulation” research area of the “European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy”.
His research interests are mainly in macroeconomic modelling and he participates into the CARISMA (Climate change impAct studies for RISk Management) Research Centre at IUSS where he studies the socioeconomic impacts of climate change and the policies for a just and orderly transition to a net-zero economy. He taught advanced courses and laboratories on macroeconomic Agent Based and Stock Flow Consistent modelling in several PhD programs, Summer Schools and international Workshops. His articles are published on several international journals, such as the Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, the Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, the Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Macroeconomic Dynamics, and Industrial and Corporate Change.ehaviour and Organization, the Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Macroeconomic Dynamics, and Industrial and Corporate Change.
- Economic Models: Agent Based models, Input-Output modelsCorso di Studi: SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE
- Economic Modeling with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents: Agent Based and Stock Flow Consistent Models - TheoryCorso di Studi: SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE
- Economic Modeling with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents: Agent Based and Stock Flow Consistent Models - Laboratory in R and ModelsCorso di Studi: SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE
- Fenomeni complessi: una prospettiva economicaCorso di Studi: SOCIAL SCIENCES AREA,