Andrea Taramelli, Full Professor at the IUSS University of Pavia. Responsible for European EU (FP6, FP7, H2020, Horizon and DG ECHO projects), National (PRIN) and ASI (PrismaScienza and Operational Services projects) and international research projects such as those of ESA, NSF (US National Scientific Foundation), of NASA (since 2004) in the field of image processing and remote sensing algorithms in the fields of implementation of services related to security (with Defense, Presidency of the Council, Ministry of Interior), environmental monitoring (with SNPA) including operational systems in agriculture (with MASAF and its supervised entities CREA and AGEA) and civil protection services (together with SNPC).
For IUSS, I am the Pro-Rector Delegate for Impact on Society and a delegate to the JoTTO Joint Technology Transfer Office (http://www.jointto.it/en), where together with delegates from SSSUP, Normale, GSSI, and SISSA colleges. I currently teach at IUSS Pavia, State University of Milan, and the University of Pavia "Economic Aspects of Space Strategy" and "GIS and Remote Sensing" for three master's degrees and three doctoral programs related to 1. Risk and Emergency Management (IUSS doctoral program), 2. Sustainable Development and Climate Change (IUSS National doctoral program), and 3. Earth observation (LaSapienza National PhD).
Associate - Principal Investigator of the Remote Sensing Group (for earth science and remote sensing processes) of the Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale in Rome where I coordinate Copernicus activities in different environmental sectors for operational services. Responsible for European EU (FP6, FP7, H2020), ASI (Downstream Operational Services projects) and international research projects such as those of ESA (Next Generation EU Funding Iride, Chime CHEES new Copernicus Generation Expansion Mission). I am a Member of the ASI-ISPRA Joint Scientific Committee for the development of downstream projects and a participant in the Mission Advisory Group of PRISMA and PRISMA SG. Member also of the Mission Advisory Group for the MAIA mission (ASI-NASA).
In Ispra, I am in charge of the Space Economy Implementation Group and delegate to the Space Economy Oversight Committee at the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy, which drafted the first National Space Economy Plan, actively participating in the work of the Copernicus Mirror Detail Operational Plan and the Govsatcom Mirror.
Italian national delegate for the Presidency of the Council since 2014 at the Copernicus User Forum and delegate to the Copernicus Committee (2014) of the European Commission and since 2022 national expert at the European Destination Earth Initiative. I have been the Coordinator of the Copernicus National User Forum since 2017, which is a structure of the Prime Minister's Office for consultation with National Users in the field of Earth Observation. Previously, I was the national expert for the Maritime Spatial Planning Framework Directive (2014-2018). While working at the representative tables I carry out national reporting and positioning work as̀ expert for the Space Regulation domains inherent to operational services. During these years I have finalized the Memorandum of Understanding with European delegated entities to support Italian initiatives such as: ECMWF (signed Mirror Copernicus agreement https://climate.copernicus.eu/italy-ecmwf-partner-promote-use-copernicus-climate-atmosphere-data and National Collaboration Program funding for activities inherent to air quality https://atmosphere.copernicus.eu/national-collaboration-programme-italy) and in the process of signing with EEA, Mercator Ocean International, JRC, EUSPA.
I am chairman of the Leadership Group Framework Partnership Agreement on Copernicus User Uptake FPCUP https://www.copernicus-user-uptake.eu/ which we created with the French and German delegations subsequently involving all Member States at the European level for uptake programs and of which in Italy over €4 million worth of projects have been funded in the last 3 years.
- Spaceborne earth observation missionsCorso di Studi: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AREA,