Lydia Velliscig is Associate Professor of Comparative Law at the University School for Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia, where she is also member of the Academic Senate and coordinator of Placement activities. She is member of the Faculty Board of the PhD Course in Comparative, Private, Civil Procedure and Business Law, University of Milan.
Currently, Lydia Velliscig teaches “Risk society between public policies and market instruments. A comparative law perspective” and “Judicial reasoning as a mirror of legal culture” in the IUSS Social Sciences class, as well as “Institutional models and legal tools for the financial management of climate-related risks” in the PhD in Sustainable Development and Climate change (PhD SDC - IUSS Pavia). She also teaches “Risk Emergency Management and Legislation” in the international Master of Science program in Civil Engineering for Mitigation of Risk from Natural Hazards, jointly offered by the University of Pavia and IUSS.
She regularly gives lectures as an Invited Professor at other universities, both in Italy and abroad.
From 2019 to 2022 Lydia Velliscig has been Senior Researcher (rtd-B) in Comparative Private Law at the University School for Advanced Studies - IUSS Pavia. She formerly worked at the University of Milan as a Postdoc from 2010 to 2018; and in 2018 as adjunct professor, teaching a course on “Civil Liability and Insurance Law. A Comparison of Civil Law and Common Law Systems”. She holds a law degree cum laude (diploma di laurea, 2005) and a PhD in Comparative Law (2010) from the University of Milan’s Faculty of Law. In 2005, she was awarded by the Alumni Association of the University of Milan’s Faculty of Law for graduating in the top 5 of the class and for having graduated with the maximum GPA and cum laude in four years.
Her main research interests concern comparative law, and include topics related to insurance law, tort law and contract law. She has devoted several years to studying law and policy of risk management and risk financing mechanisms in a comparative perspective. Recent publications include a monograph on insurance and risk retention as financial management strategies for healthcare facilities.
Speaker at numerous national and international conferences; she regularly conducts research activities in qualified research centres and universities abroad.
She is member of the Legal Sciences Research Group at the IUSS Pavia, whose current research activity is focused on the main legal and economic profiles relating to the management of extreme and emerging risks, both at national and international level.
Lydia Velliscig is member of the Società Italiana per la Ricerca nel Diritto Comparato (SIRD) and of AIDA (International Association for Insurance Law) – Lombardy section, where she is also member of the Scientific Committee. She has also participated in numerous funded research projects.
Member of the Editorial Board of the Italian review Diritto del mercato assicurativo e finanziario (ESI) and she is Associate Editor of the international review Global Jurist (De Gruyter). She is regularly engaged in peer-review activities for Italian and international journals.
Author of numerous publications in comparative and European law (both in Italian and in English), especially in the field of insurance law, torts law, contract law and law and policy of risk management, transfer and financing.
Admitted to the Italian Bar (from 2008 to 2015), Lydia Velliscig acted as legal advisor in the fields of insurance and financial law.
Student Office Hours
Thursday 2-5 p.m. by appointment.
- Institutional models and legal tools for the financial management of climate-related risksCorso di Studi: SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE
- La sentenza come specchio della cultura giuridicaCorso di Studi: SOCIAL SCIENCES AREA,
- Tackling undeclared work for a sustainable economy: a business regulation toolbox (Seminario Iuss)
- La società del rischio tra politiche pubbliche e strumenti di mercato. Una prospettiva di diritto comparato (ENG)Corso di Studi: SOCIAL SCIENCES AREA,