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Nascimbene Roberto
Associate Professor
Organization Unit: CLASSE STS
Scientific Discipline: Tecnica delle costruzioni


Roberto Nascimbene (1974) is Associate Professor at University School for Advanced Studies (IUSS) in Pavia. He earned his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering at University of Pavia where he has been Adjunct Professor since 2005 teaching “Shells and tanks analysis and design” and “Analysis and design of steel structures”. Prior to joining IUSS, he was the Head of the  Building and Infrastructure Department at Eucentre. Roberto has authored >100 peer-reviewed publications in international journals, national magazines and conference proceedings; he co-authored four books, the first on shell/tank structures, the second on existing precast structures, the third on temporary housing and the last one on the seismic vulnerability of existing buildings. He is a "National committee member" in European UNI/CT 021/SC 03 "Steel Structures" and "National observer"in UNI/CT 021/GL 06 "Robustness"; he is a Member of the Project Team SC8.T5 - Evolution of EN 1998-4 and EN 1998-6 "M/515 phase 3 or 4" and of the Working Group DT CNR "Safety in Non-structural elements". He is also a member of the Regional Seismic Commission (Lombardia), of the Council of the Order of Engineers (Pavia) and of the Fabbriceria del Duomo of Pavia. He has been the coordinator for more than ten years of professional training courses at the Eucentre, organizing nearly a hundred seminars. He has been involved, both for research but also for professional activities, in seismic vulnerability of industrial plants, reinforced concrete, steel, wood and precast buildings, tanks, robustness and progressive collapse of structures under extreme actions, modeling and advanced nonlinear numerical analyses.
