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Hume 38 and 39 cycle

Ph.D. in agreement with Università degli Studi di Milano for 38th and 39th cycle.

From the 40th cycle the administrative headquarters will be at IUSS. More info


This PhD programme trains young researches who intend to study human cognition with an interdisciplinary approach, using theories and methods developed in philosophy, psychology, computer science, and cognitive neuroscience. Since innovative research in this area requires the integration of different competences, our courses will provide solid analytical and epistemological foundations for the development of theoretical reflection and experimental skills.

The students will have the opportunity to work with researchers belonging to three prestigious institutions – The University of Milan, The Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori (IUSS) in Pavia, e the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa.

HuME offers at least four scholarships each year, and the call for applications is typically advertised in the spring. More detailed information will be posted on this website.

Coordinator: Prof. Francesco Guala