Artificial and Natural Intelligences in Society and Law, 15 January 2024, 9 p.m.
As part of the cycle of conferences on the theme Science, technology and law: what's next? On Wednesday 15 January at 9 p.m., in the Aula Goldoniana of the Ghislieri College, Stefano Quintarelli and Marco Cappato will discuss Artificial and natural intelligences in society and law with Amedeo Santosuosso and Giovanni Sartor, authors of the book Decidere con l'IA. Intelligenze artificiali e naturali nel diritto (Il Mulino, 2024). Followed by a question time with the audience.
It has already happened in the past that new technological conditions have profoundly changed the human and our conception of it. Artificial intelligence will also change not only the way we know and interact, but also our view of what it means to be fully human: many cognitive functions will no longer fall within our exclusive competence, and we will increasingly find ourselves collaborating with intelligent machines, governing them, but also subject to their influence. The book Deciding with AI. Artificial and Natural Intelligences in Law analyses this issue from the perspective of public legal decisions in the administration of justice. It is here, in fact, that the use of AI raises the greatest objections, because law is the basis of our coexistence, as a technique for governing society and resolving disputes. Without belittling the enormous dilemmas, ethical and legal, that AI also poses to law and justice, nor the risks involved, these pages offer an accurate description of the state of the art, pointing to operational and professional dialogue based on correct information as the virtuous way to guarantee us the best results in the use of AI, today and in the future.
Amedeo Santosuosso teaches Artificial Intelligence, Decision Making and Law at the Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS Pavia. He was a judge from 1978 to 2019. In 2021 he represented the Italian government in the technical negotiations for the elaboration of the UNESCO Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. He is the promoter and director of the International Centre for Law, Science and New Technologies (ICLT) at the Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS Pavia. Among his publications on the subject: Law and Artificial Intelligence (Mondadori Università , 2020).
Giovanni Sartor teaches Legal Informatics at the University of Bologna and at the European University Institute in Florence. He holds the ERC (European Research Council) Compulaw grant for research on computable law and is a member of the ERC Scientific Council. He teaches Artificial Intelligence and Law at the University of Surray (UK) and the Universidad Católica in Lisbon. His publications include Statutory Interpretation. Pragmatics and Argumentation (Cambridge University Press, 2021).
Here is the event poster.