On the occasion of the G7 Agriculture to be held in Syracuse from 21 to 29 September 2024, prof.
Mario Martina, the Coordinator of the National PhD Programme on Sustainable Development and
Climate change (PhD SDC, IUSS) to which the University of Pavia is associated, will bring the
welcome address to a side event accredited by the Ministry of Agriculture within the “Divinazione
EXPO24” initiative: “Responsible Production and Consumption of Food from Farm to Fork: Tech,
Policy, Behaviour, Education”.
The event, organised and coordinated by Carola Ricci, of the Department of Political and Social
Sciences of the University of Pavia, and member of the Scientific Committee of our PhD SDC, is aimed
at presenting some results and best practices on three of the topics upon which the G7 Agriculture
Ministers agreed to a common commitment at the Miyazaki Summit, held on 22 and 23 April 2023 in
It will take place on September 26 th from 3.00 p.m. in Syracuse, on the Ortigia Island, at the National
Institute of Ancient Drama.
The event will be the occasion to present the intermediate results of the research work and synergies
developed by the University of Pavia and its affiliated partners in the context of two National Resilience
and Recovery Plan projects funded by the European Union ‒ NextGenerationEU: Extended Partensrship
PE10_ONFOODS (ON Foods ‒ Research and innovation network on food and nutrition Sustainability,
Safety and Security ‒ Working ON Foods), Spoke 7 on “Policy, Behaviour and Education”, Mission 4
Component 2 Investment 1.3 - Call for tender No. 341 of 15 March 2022 of Italian Ministry of
University and Research; Project code PE00000003, Concession Decree No. 1550 of 11 October 2022,
CUP F13C22001210007); and the Ecosystem of Innovation called “NODES – Nord Ovest Digitale E
Sostenibile (Digital and Sustainable North West)”, within Spoke 6 on “Primary Agroindustry”,
Mission 4 component 2 investment 1.5, Ministerial decree no. 30 December 2012, Grant agreement
ECS00000036, Ministerial decree no. 1054 of 23 June 2022, CUP F17G22000190007).
The event is divided into three thematic sessions dedicated to: I. Environmental Sustainability and
Innovation: Aims and Tools to Alleviate Hydric Stress in Agriculture (moderated by Aldo Piccone); II.
Prevention and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste from Farm to Fork in Search for a Uniform
Definition (moderated by Carola Ricci); III. Responsible Production and Consumption of Food without
Discrimination: Traditions, Culture and Art to the Benefit of the Vulnerables (moderated by Anna
The three sessions will present the scientific insights and the best practices developed by the public and
private sectors, as well as at an international level, from a multidisciplinary perspective.
Alongside the interventions of researchers from the University of Pavia, other partner Universities will
join (namely the University of Milan-Bicocca) and other centres of excellence working on
sustainability as IUSS, like the University of Messina, Department of Law “Salvatore Pugliatti”.
The event foresees also the participation of the industry, NGOs and an international organization. In the
first session, Marco Acciai of Agrigeos, winner of a cascade tender promoted by NODES innovation
ecosystem, will present the digital solutions it has developed for water saving. The second session,
about food loss and waste, involves the participation of Marco Lucchini of Fondazione Banco
Alimentare, which will bring its experience relating to food donation as an opportunity to prevent food
waste. The last session includes the intervention by Irmina Pacho of the International and
Development Law Organization (IDLO) on the topic of women in agriculture and food safety.
The poster is attached.
In the same line, the following day, on 27 th September at 4 pm ore 16.00 (Teatro Comunale di
Siracusa), some researchers from the University of Pavia involved in the NODES Project (Carola Ricci,
Claudia Meisina, as well as Paolo Sabbatini from the partner University of Turin) will also take part to
another side-event at G7 Agriculture, to talk about the responses that the University of Pavia and its
partners are developing to mitigate the impact of climate change on the wine sector and the proposals
for revision of the current regulatory context, partly already anticipated at the Conference organized at
the end of May (link to the news) by Carola Ricci and Aldo Piccone, supported by PhD SDC, and this
time presented to FIVI, the Federazione Italiana dei Viticoltori Indipendenti (link to the news published
by FIVI).