Epistemology of Mathematics and Logic Project
IUSS/UniSR PhD program Cognitive Neurosciences and Philosophy of Mind
NEtS Centre @ IUSS Pavia
IUSS, Palazzo del Broletto
Piazza della Vittoria n. 15 - Pavia
We are pleased to announce the program of the Masterclass on Anti-Exceptionalism about Logic which will be held by Prof. Ole Hjortland and Dr. Benjamin Martin (University of Bergen) next March, in collaboration with the Anti-Exceptionalism About Logic Project at the University of Bergen.
Prof. Ole Hjortland will be a IUSS Visiting Scholar at the Class of Humanities and Life Sciences and the NEtS Centre.
The masterclass is especially addressed to PhD students but is open to everyone.
Those external to IUSS willing to attend please just send an email to andrea.sereni@iusspavia.it
Prof. Ole Hjortland - University of Bergen
Dr. Benjamin Martin - University of Bergen
March 5th - March 7th, 2019
i) Lecture I (March 5, 14:00-16:00, Room 1.14)
Session One: What is logical exceptionalism?
Session Two: Early anti-exceptionalism
ii) Lecture II (March 6, 16:00-18:00, Room 1.15)
Session One: Contemporary anti-exceptionalism
Session Two: Looking at logical methodology
iii) Lecture III (March 7, 11:00-13:00, Room 1.14)
Session One: Abductivism & selection criteria
Session Two: Challenges to anti-exceptionalism