IGG49 Pre-conference Workshop
Theoretical and experimental pragmatics
21 February 2024 - 2PM-7PM
Aula Magna
University School for Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia
Piazza della Vittoria 15, 27100 Pavia (Italy).
Th-XPRAG aims at bringing together scholars working in the fields of theoretical and experimental pragmatics, to promote the harmonization of theoretical and empirical investigation about pragmatic facts. Given its link with the IGG conference, the Th-XPRAG workshop also aims at promoting the dialogue between pragmatics and formal approaches to language.
The Th-XPRAG is organized by the Neurolinguistics and Experimental Pragmatics Lab at IUSS Pavia under the auspices of the XPRAG.it research network and is funded by the ERC project “PROcessing MEtaphors: Neurochronometry, Acquisition and DEcay" (PROMENADE).
Invited Lecture:
Robyn Carston (University College London)
Lexical Pragmatics: Ad Hoc meaning and Polisemy
To view the programme for the pre-conference WORKSHOP on Theoretical and Experimental Pragmatics please follow this link.
More INFO: https://sites.google.com/iusspavia.it/igg49/pre-conference-workshop/workshop-programme?authuser=0