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Research field

(a) Theoretical syntax and neurolinguistics
Among the relevant topics are:

theoretical syntax
syntax-semantics interface
computational linguistics and processing complexity
experimental pragmatics and neuropragmatics
linguistic-communicative impairment
(b) Cognitive and neurocognitive Science
Among the relevant topics are:

Neuroeconomics: neural bases of decision-making in normal and pathological conditions
Affective and social neuroscience: neural bases of social cognition in normal and pathological conditions
Neural bases of motor cognition in normal and pathological conditions 
Neural bases of language, cognitive disorders and neurodegenerative diseases
Neural bases of semantic memory in normal and pathological conditions 
Episodic memory, physiologial and pathological ageing
(c) Philosophy
Among the relevant topics are:

philosophy of mind and of cognitive science
philosophy of mathematics and logic
theories of intentionality and consciousness
philosophy of language
theories of thought
analytic metaphysics
theories of knowledge and justification
philosophical methodology and experimental epistemology
public ethics and neuroethics