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Call for Application

Annoucement a.y. 2024/2025 


Research project guidelines

Description sheet "Particle Accelerators: advanced technologies and radioprotection" 

Deadline for application: July 1st, 2024 - 1:00 pm CEST.

n. 6 positions, of which:

n. 1 position co-funded by Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR) DM 630/2024, on the following topic:  RADOTHERAPY: from radiobiology to patient care, through the integration of different disciplines. 
Main topics: 
• Exploring therapeutic approaches with different particles, guided by the biological characteristics of tumors in radioresistant forms. 
• Treatment program guided by radiobiology, designed by medical physics, and implemented by heavy particle accelerators. 
• New methods for characterizing mixed fields and activation, and development of innovative instrumentation for radioprotection. 
• Development of a detector for simultaneous treatment and range verification with a dual ion beam.
Company involved: CNAO.

n. 1 position funded by CNAO on the topic: BORON NEUTRON CAPTURE THERAPY (BNCT): the multidisciplinarity of care. When radiobiology, pharmacology, physics, and engineering contribute to the improvement of medical treatments. 
Main topics: 
• Implementation of clinical workflow for BNCT (Radiotherapy, Medical physics, Bioengineering). 
• New methods for characterizing mixed fields and activation, and development of innovative instrumentation for radioprotection. 
• Study of radiation fields generated by BNCT and their detection during commissioning and clinical activity.

n. 2 positions funded by CNAO on the following topic: Particle Accelerators: advanced technologies and radioprotection (more details on the description sheet)

n. 2 positions IUSS on one of the following topics relevant to the doctoral course subjects: 
• Machine-learning classification models applied to biomedical imaging and data. 
• Health risk and benefit assessment in the context of radio- and hadron therapy 
• Advanced wearable systems for patient monitoring during hadrotherapy
• Advanced sensor systems for the characterization of cell cultures in the context of hadrotherapy
• Philosophical and ethical implications of medical advanced technologies

Test schedule

The results about the evaluation process will be published on the IUSS website
The interviews will be carried out on 18/07/2024 at 10.00 CEST, at the IUSS building or online, via Zoom. 


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