Teaching will be initially structured on a restricted number of compulsory courses for all doctoral students of the same Cycle, aimed at consolidating a common background in the major fields of the program. These will be followed by a wide range of optional courses, offered in sufficient numbers to ensure that doctoral students in a particular field can both pursue their own advanced research path while interacting with other disciplines. The three Universities in the PhD consortium will additionally offer a wide range of cross-disciplinary and multidisciplinary activities, which will also focus on practical and ethical skills necessary for an effective conduct of academic research.
Core teaching:
Topics in the Philosophy of Mind and Cognition - Giulia Piredda, John Michael
Topics in Logic, Probability and Computation - Hykel Hosni
Methods in Cognitive Neuroscience - Francesca Baglio, Silvia Casarotto, Gabriella Cerri, Alessandra Gorini, Marcello Massimini, Mario Rosanova, Simone Sarasso
Topics in the Philosophy of Language and Metaphysics - Alfredo Tomasetta, Giuliano Torrengo
Epistemology and Philosophy of Mathematics - Silvia De Toffoli, Andrea Sereni
Proof, Truth and Understanding - Mario Piazza, Gabriele Pulcini
The Philosophy of Computation and Information - Giuseppe Primiero
Decisions, values and uncertainty - Francesco Guala, Luca Zanetti
Topics in theoretical syntax and neurosyntax - Andrea Moro
Introduction to Linguistic Computation - Cristiano Chesi
Consciousness, Sleep and Neural Stimulation - Marcello Massimini; Members of iTCf Lab (UniMI)
Physiology of Motor Control - Gabriella Cerri; Members of Laboratorio di neurofisiologia del controllo motorio nell'uomo (UniMI)
Perception, Action and Emotion - Corrado Sinigaglia; Members of CIA Lab (UniMI)
Teamwork in Research Teams - Chiara Guglielmetti
Other teaching activities (seminar, transversal courses):
Talk series “A lesson in...” (IUSS PhD School) - Invited speakers
Trasferimento tecnologico e imprenditorialità (IUSS PhD School) - IUSS Faculty and invited speakers
Seminari didattica trasversale (IUSS PhD School) - Invited speakers
Research Based Innovation - Riccardo Pietrabissa
TechTransfer Pills - IUSS Faculty and Netval personnel
Teaching activities at Università di Milano:
(Courses taugth by UniMI Faculty and/or invited instructors)
Research Integrity
Introduzione all'open Science
Open science: riviste predatorie, pre print e open peer review
Open Science: Dati Fair
Valutazione della ricerca
Academic Writing: Research paper
Fondamenti di Academic Writing
The art of Grantmanship
Green development Agenda 20-30
Teching activities at Scuola Normale di Pisa:
(Courses taugth by SNS Faculty and/or invited instructors)
Open Science and Research Data Management
Open Science and Open Innovation within the European Research Area
IProML: Introduction to Programming and Machine Learning in Python
English for Scientific Communication