The program encourages - preferentially, but not exclusively - research projects in the following fields
A) Philosophy of mind, philosophy of language
Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Sciences
Consciousness and Intentionality
Philosophy of Language
Formal Semantics
Perception; Categorisation; Creativity
Potential supervisors [mixed supervision and external co-supervisors can also be considered]
A. Borghini; D. Dohrn, A. Guardo; F. Hindriks; M. Massimini; G. Piredda; A. Sereni; J. Tallant; A. Tomasetta; G. Torrengo.
B) Philosophy of science, epistemology, logic
Knowledge, Justification and Explanation
Philosophy of Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics
Metaphysics; Scientific and Folk Ontologies
Logic for Practical Reasoning and Artificial Intelligence
Potential supervisors [mixed supervision and external co-supervisors can also be considered]
A. Borghini; M. D'Agostino; S. De Bianchi; S. De Toffoli; F. Guala; A. Guardo; F. Hindriks; H. Hosni; F. Minerva; M. Piazza; G. Primiero; G. Pulcini; A. Sereni; J. Tallant; G. Torrengo.
C) Cognitive Science
Perception, Action, Emotion
Consciousness; Sleep; Neural Stimulation And Complexity
Motor and Social Cognition
Brain Plasticity; Neuromodulation; Language
Potential supervisors [mixed supervision and external co-supervisors can also be considered]
L. Bello; S. Butterfill; A. Caronni; S. Casarotto; G. Cerri; L. Fornia; A. Gorini; M. Massimini; J. Michael; M. Rosanova; M. Rossi; S. Sarasso; C. Sinigaglia; G. Tononi.
D) Reasoning, decision-making; intelligence
Philosophy of Action
Psychology of Decision
Social Cognition; Cooperation and Coordination; Joint Action
Individual Decisions; Social and Group Decisions; Values
Potential supervisors [mixed supervision and external co-supervisors can also be considered]
M. D'Agostino; F. Guala; C. Guglielmetti; F. Hindriks; H. Hosni; C. Lucchiari; J. Michael; F. Minerva; G. Missikof Andrighetto; M. Piazza; G. Primiero; C. Sinigaglia; L. Tummolini.
E) Theoretical linguistics; computational linguistics
Linguistics and Neurolinguistics
Theoretical Syntax
Computational Linguistics