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Bando Dottorato a.a. 2024/2025

Scheda dottorato

Informazioni per i potenziali candidati

Linee guida progetto di ricerca

Scadenza presentazione domande: 1 Luglio 2024, ore 13.00 CEST.

Nota Bene - Durante il colloquio la Commissione accerta il possesso delle conoscenze disciplinari di base necessarie per la frequenza del corso di dottorato e valuta l'eventuale idoneità del candidato rispetto alle borse tematiche presenti a bando.
Nessuna preferenza deve essere espressa in fase di candidatura.


N. 9 posti a concorso, così suddivisi:

n. 2 posti finanziati dalla Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS Pavia;

n. 3 posti finanziati dall'Università degli Studi di Milano;

n. 1 posto finanziato dalla Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa;

n. 1 posto co-finanziato a valere sul Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR) DM 629/2024 - Investimento 4.1 – Ricerca PNRR, sulla seguente tematica "Menti, soggetti e matematica". 
Descrizione tematica: The research will be concerned with those areas of reality that seem to resist a complete naturalization: the nature of mind and the self, and the nature of mathematics. Investigations of mind and the self will focus on topics as: phenomenal consciousness, intentionality, extended mind -- in relation to both the natural and social worlds -- theories of affectivity, philosophy of technology, inflationary or deflationary theories of the self, including multiculutral perspectives. Metaphysical-phenomenological approaches and those related to classical cognitive science or 4E will be particularly appreciated. Investigation in the philosophy of mathematics will include general issues in the theory of knowledge and may focus on either traditional philosophy of mathematics or the philosophy of mathematical practice. Potential topics in the epistemology of mathematics can include: foundationalism about mathematics; themes in individual or social epistemology of mathematical practice; the analysis of mathematical languages, notations and diagrams; and mathematical explanation and understanding. [PNRR PhD Research Scholarship: specific constraints apply; see call for details]

n. 1 posto co-finanziato a valere sul Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR) DM 629/2024 - Investimento 4.1 – Pubblica Amministrazione, sulla seguente tematica: “Disaccordo, pluralismo e fiducia: decisioni umane e uso della tecnologia nelle politiche pubbliche”.
Descrizione tematica: The research will focus on epistemological issues (esp. as regards social epistemology) that can influence the design of public policies, support the training of management staff in public administrations, and promote informed models of governance, also in light of the technological innovations that increasingly assist decision-making. The research may concern, in particular, the epistemology of disagreement, with an emphasis on expert disagreement, group justification, and group knowledge, and the epistemological investigation of trust in science and in experts' opinions by public decision-makers and individual stakeholders. Special attention may be given to decision-making in the context of a pluralism of scientific views and, more generally, to the benefits and risks that technological innovations, algorithmic decision-making, and artificial intelligence entail in the case of public policies and their impact on society. The project will be conducted in collaboration with SNA (Scuola Nazionale dell'Amministrazione, Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Rome). [PNRR PhD Scholarship with Public Administration: specific constraints apply; see call for details].
Istituzione coinvolta: Scuola Nazionale dell’Amministrazione

n. 1 posto co-finanziato a valere sul Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR) DM 630/2024 - Investimento 3.3 – Dottorati innovativi che rispondono ai fabbisogni di innovazione delle imprese, sulla seguente tematica: “Mitigating Bias and opacity Risks in generative AI”.
Descrizione tematica: The PhD Research will contribute to extending the methodology and application developed within the ongoing collaboration between the Department of Philosophy at the University of Milan and Alkemy, started in the context of the PRIN 2020 project BRIO (Bias, Risk and Opacity in AI, PI: Prof. Giuseppe Primiero). The collaboration has produced a scientifically grounded methodology and a tool which implements a combination of statistical and formal techniques for the detection of bias and the measurement of risks in AI models. The methodology is especially characterized by transparency and model agnosticism. Currently, the developed tool has few crucial conceptual and technical limitations. For the former, it still misses an explicit treatment of model opacity: such a task shall be based on the study and analysis of current literature and formal approaches to counterfactual fairness, to extract feature relevance and causal-like properties of opaque models. These aspects will be investigated through appropriate semantic and proof-theoretic systems. From the technical viewpoint, the BRIO tool is currently only able to work on tabular data. This reduces its applicability to the context of multi-modal datasets, crucially important for new Generative AI systems like text-to-image and text-to-audio generators. The research will explore the application of the BRIO tool to explore bias and socially relevant risks in such AI systems. [PNRR PhD Scholarship for Innovative Doctorates: specific constraints apply; see call for details].
Azienda coinvolta: Alkemy

Calendario delle prove

L’esito della valutazione titoli sarà pubblicato all’Albo della Scuola.
Le prove orali si svolgeranno a partire dal giorno 16/07/2024 ore 14:00 presso la Scuola IUSS o in modalità telematica (via Zoom).

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