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The tutor functions as a reference figure for each student, selected from among the faculty and researchers of the School.

The allocation of tutors is conducted by the Class Council, following the proposal of the Area Coordinator.

The tutor's role is to assist students in acclimatising to the university environment and attaining their educational objectives within the School. Each student is required to update their tutor at least once a year on the progress of their studies.

The tutor can also be consulted in the following cases:

  • When preparing the Study Plan;
  • Before requesting early access to internal courses, usually coinciding with the preparation of the Study Plan;
  • When submitting a request to the Class Council for a Diploma extension;
  • When deciding on the presentation methods for the mandatory Colloquia for first-year students in the two-year study cycle or fourth-year students in the single-cycle program (as per the "Mandatory Colloquia Guidelines").

In the event of the necessity to replace a tutor, the student may submit a request for replacement to the Dean (or to the Vice Dean, in the case of the tutor being the Dean). Following a thorough evaluation of the reasons provided, the Dean (or Vice Dean, in the case of the tutor being the Dean) will submit a proposal for replacement to the Class Council.


All students enrolled in the Regular Courses are obligated to actively engage in the cultural life of the School, to adhere to all procedures and deadlines stipulated at the commencement and throughout the academic year by the Class Dean and the Offices, and to acquaint themselves with the School's regulations, which are documented in the Statute and Regulations link.

Maintaining the status of Regular Course student is subject to the fulfilment of obligations, except in exceptional cases governed by Articles 15 and 18 of the Regulation for Regular Courses. Failure to meet these obligations may result in forfeiture.

  • It is imperative that all exams specified in the IUSS study plan are completed by December 31 each academic year. These must include at least two courses per year and at least one course outside the student's area of study throughout their IUSS career.
  • Furthermore, students are required to attend IUSS courses and seminars for a total of 50 hours per year within their area of study and 20 hours per year outside their area of study.
  • Furthermore, all exams required by the study plan of the enrolled programme at the university must be completed by the winter session, or alternatively, at least 60 CFUs must be earned.
  • It is also imperative to achieve a grade of at least 24/30 on all IUSS and university exams, and to maintain an overall average of 27/30 per academic year (the average is calculated based on both IUSS and university exams).
  • Graduation must be achieved within the stipulated timeframe; for students enrolled in three-year degree programmes, this is by December 31.
  • In order to obtain the IUSS diploma, it is necessary to be present at the final scheduled graduation session in May.
  • Furthermore, it is essential to maintain a place at a college in accordance with the relevant regulations.
  • Attendance at all IUSS courses and seminars specified in the study plan is mandatory and must be maintained at all times. Absences exceeding 25% will result in the student being unable to take the examination and the hours attended will not be recognised.
  • First-year students in the two-year cycle or fourth-year students in the single-cycle programme must complete the mandatory Colloquia according to the three modalities outlined:a) A colloquium on classical subjects to be defined in agreement with the student's tutor;b) A presentation of an essay, as a reasoned summary on a topic agreed upon with the student's tutor;c) The drafting of a research project, simulated as a grant application, on a topic agreed upon with the student's tutor.
  • The final thesis is to be written and defended before a Commission appointed by the School.

It is incumbent upon students to devise a study plan that is in accordance with the annual teaching programme that has been approved by the School's governing bodies, in accordance with the guidelines provided by the offices. Requests for modifications or substitutions of courses within the programme for the student's year of study and area of study must be appropriately justified. If necessary, the student should consult their tutor.

  • The Dean will approve any proposed study plan, including any modifications.
  • First-year students in the three-year or single-cycle programme are permitted to add extra-area courses; however, the courses included in the programme are considered fundamental.
  • The proposed study plan should include:
  • The courses chosen to fulfil the intra- and extra-area teaching hours;Any request for early access to courses;Any request for the inclusion of additional courses (courses taken in excess of the required number do NOT constitute early access to future-year courses, and, if the exam is passed, will count toward the student's GPA).

In the event of an exceptional case, should a student wish to effect a change to a study plan that has already been approved, they may do so, following consultation with their tutor. In such an instance, a reasoned request must be submitted to the Principal (with the Head of Area, tutor and offices being copied), outlining the opinion expressed by the tutor.


Compliance with obligations must be monitored by the student  and can be verified by writing to  


The counting of the extra hours must be monitored by the student and can be verified by writing to 


The Ordinary Courses/Active Seminar Activities section of the website contains the offer of seminar activities provided by the Colleges and recognised in the teaching programme of the Ordinary Courses (see Recognised extra-curricular activities). The selection of these activities must be communicated in advance to the Ordinary Courses secretariat (

Registration of student attendance for these seminar activities is to be conducted by the College through the utilisation of a designated signature sheet. Subsequently, the College is responsible for transmitting the attendance data to the IUSS, along with the verification of the maximum number of absences permitted (25% of the hours). 

Following the verification process, the registration of the student's attendance will be officially documented in their academic records.


The term "co-teaching" is employed to denote the practice of one or more professors sharing the responsibility of teaching a regular course alongside the course's primary instructor. Co-teaching assignments are explicitly indicated in the course syllabus, which is published on the IUSS website, and are typically aimed at developing complementary aspects within the course and its duration (usually 25 hours) that enhance the core content of the course.

Conversely, "Supplementary educational activities" are supplementary to the course and may take the form of exercises, tutoring, workshops, or seminars associated with the course, primarily - but not exclusively - aimed at its participants.


At least one extra-area exam must be taken during the student's IUSS career. Specifically, for students enrolled in a three-year first-level program, the extra-area exam must be completed before obtaining the three-year diploma, even if the student plans to continue at IUSS for the two-year second-level program.


There is no minimum number of intra-area exams required, but the following obligations must be met:

  • Take 2 exams (intra- or extra-area) per year;
  • Attend at least an average of 50 hours intra-area per year.

Therefore, it is advisable to take 2 intra-area exams per year, with the possible exception of the year when the mandatory extra-area exam is taken.


The decision to take or not take the exam for a course must be communicated at the same time as the submission of the study plan. In exceptional cases, if the student wishes to change an already approved study plan, after consulting with their tutor, they can send a justified request to the Dean (with the course instructor, tutor, Area Coordinator, and the Offices in cc), including the tutor's opinion.


If one of the courses is advanced by a year for an Erasmus program and it turns out that the student does not participate, the advanced course will be considered as an additional course.




Students can include additional courses, even by taking them from another Class or Area, in their study plan proposal. There is no regulation limiting the number of additional exams. These additional exams do not count as advanced courses for subsequent years and, if passed, contribute to the overall GPA just like other courses.


Students who have successfully completed all the activities required in the Regular Courses and passed the licensure examination within the terms and modalities defined by the academic regulations will be awarded the following titles:

  • Single-cycle degree licensure diploma: Students who have completed the fifth year of IUSS (or sixth year for Medicine and Surgery) by June, for example, in 2019, will graduate on time from the University of Pavia by April 2020 and must graduate from IUSS by the last available graduation session (May 2020).
  • The three-year first-level licensure diploma programme is as follows: Students who have completed the third year of IUSS by June, for example, in 2019, will graduate from the University of Pavia by December 2020 and must graduate from IUSS by the last available graduation session (May 2020).
  • The two-year second-level licensure diploma programme is scheduled to conclude in May 2020. Students who have completed the second year corresponding to the Master's degree by June, e.g., in 2019, will graduate from the University of Pavia by April 2020 and must graduate from IUSS by the last available graduation session (May 2020).

The rules for preparing final theses are defined within the Guidelines for graduates.

Alternatively to the typical format of a university thesis, the IUSS thesis can also be written in the form of a scientific article. In this case, the student must use the styles and editorial criteria of an internationally recognized scientific journal, as agreed with their supervisor.


It is not obligatory for the supervisor to be a faculty member of IUSS. The student must select a supervisor, who may be either a university professor (Italian or foreign) or a prominent figure in the chosen academic field. The supervisor may be the professor who guided the thesis for the student's university degree.


The thesis evaluation is expressed as a numerical grade in hundredths, with possible honors. The grade is calculated by summing three components:

  1. The average of all IUSS exam grades, considering 31 for a 30 with honors, which is counted as 2 points higher.
  2. The following scores will be applied based on the degree grade obtained at the university:
    • 11 points for 110 with honors
    • 10 points for 110
    • 9 points for a grade lower than 110
  3. Evaluation in hundredths (with possible honors, worth 31 points) for the IUSS thesis work.

If the final value exceeds (even by a fraction of a point) 100, the Commission, by unanimous decision, may award a score of 100 with honors. In all other cases, the score is rounded to the nearest whole number.

In the case of disciplinary sanctions, up to 5 points may be subtracted from the calculation depending on the type of sanction.


Within 15 days before the graduation session, students must submit their Graduation Application, completed using the required form available for download on the website at, along with a copy of their thesis.

It is important to note that at least 2 months prior to the thesis discussion date, the graduate candidate must notify the offices, using the downloadable form from the same section mentioned above, the name of their supervisor and the provisional title of the thesis.


The prize of €4,000, which guarantees free residence in the Collegio and exempts from university fees, is awarded to the student but transferred directly by the School to the merit-based Collegio or Edisu. The exemption from university fees is also communicated to the University directly by the School.


Study missions are all those study or research activities that have an impact on one's IUSS career and for which the student requests financial support from the School, through a specific online form.




Study activities that can be funded through the designated procedure are all those study or research activities that have an impact on one's IUSS career. For example, stays at other universities or research centers for the realization of research projects, internships, or study deepening aimed at writing the IUSS diploma thesis, or presentations at public conferences of research work or study projects related to activities carried out in collaboration with IUSS.


The outcome regarding the request for contributions for study or research missions in Italy and abroad will be communicated following the discussions in the respective Class Councils, which take place during the sessions in June and December.




The contribution for study or research missions in Italy and abroad will be assigned based on the ranking position, the requested amount, and the available budget. The contribution will initially be disbursed at 80% of the amount approved by the Class Council. The remaining 20% will be paid upon the positive evaluation of the final report submitted by the student at the end of the mission.




Yes, it is possible to participate in the IUSS Erasmus+ Program and also apply for contributions as outlined in the Guidelines for the Regular Courses, according to their respective deadlines and requirements set by both the Erasmus+ IUSS Call and the Regular Courses Guidelines. It is important to note that the IUSS Erasmus+ Call is issued in May, and applications can be submitted from June 1 to September 30. The minimum participation duration for the Erasmus+ Project is 2 months, with a maximum of 12 months, and it is available for the countries listed in the Erasmus+ Call. Additionally, the submission period for contribution requests, as outlined in the Guidelines for the Regular Courses, is: May (for study projects taking place from July to December) and November (for study projects taking place from January to June), through the completion of the Google Form provided in the "Request for Contributions" section.


To receive information about the Erasmus+ Project, you must write to and visit the "Internationalization" page, where information and forms for applying to the Erasmus+ Project are provided.


Applications for funding for study periods abroad and in Italy (whether within the Erasmus program or not) must be submitted by completing the online form before the scheduled start date of the off-site activity, according to the deadlines outlined in the Procedures available at the section The online form will be available for a defined period, and it will be the responsibility of the Ordinary Courses Office to notify all students of the activation and the final deadline for submitting the application.


The calculation of the average for IUSS courses should consider the value of 31 for a grade of 30 with honors. The average reported on the form must be UNIQUE, including both university exams and IUSS exams.

  • In case the student changes their degree program during or at the end of the first year, and this involves changing to a different Class or Area, as per Article 5 of the Regulations for the Regular Courses, the Deans of the involved Classes or the Dean of the corresponding Class (in case of Areas within the same Class) will decide on the assignment to a different Class or Area, based on the University’s decisions and the fulfillment of internal requirements. In this case, the student must send supporting documentation to the Regular Courses Office ( regarding the acceptance of the transfer to the new degree program (email from the Department Secretariat, excerpt from the Department’s decision, etc.).
  • If the degree program change is approved with re-enrollment in the first year, the student must provide the described documentation to the Regular Courses Office. It is specified that students changing their degree program with re-enrollment in the first year will receive the study grant only for the first year.
  • If the change occurs after the first year, the Council of the student's current Class, after consulting the Dean of the other Class if needed, will decide on the possible retention of the student status and related conditions, according to what is determined by the University and the fulfillment of internal requirements. In this case, the student must send supporting documentation to the Regular Courses Office ( regarding the acceptance of the transfer to the new degree program.
  • If the degree program change at the University does not involve a change of Area and allows enrollment in the second year, a formal communication from the student will be sufficient.


Article 19, paragraph 3, of Legislative Decree no. 76 of July 16, 2020 (converted into law on September 11, 2020, no. 120) established that "in higher schools with special status, the final title awarded at the end of ordinary courses corresponding to second-level university programs, as well as to single-cycle master's degree courses, is equated, for legal purposes, to a second-level master's degree pursuant to Article 3, paragraph 9, of the Ministerial Decree of the Ministry of Education, University, and Research of October 22, 2004, no. 270..."


To continue updating and enriching the "Frequently Asked Questions" (FAQs) section, the email address has been activated. You can suggest questions related to aspects you consider significant and not sufficiently clear in your journey at the School.