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Previous School Bodies
Academic Senate - till 30/05/2022

The Academic Senate, till 30/05/2022, was composed by:

IUSS Rector

Prof. Riccardo Pietrabissa

Tel: +39 0382 375859 |

The Head of the Department of Humanities and Life Sciences

Prof. Andrea Sereni

Tel: +39 0382 375844 |

The Head of the Department of Science, Technology and Society

Prof. Mario Martina

Tel: +39 0382 375846

Representatives of professors and researcher

Prof.ssa Valentina Bambini

Tel: +39 0382 375841 |

Prof. Ricardo Monteiro

Tel: + 39 0382 375852 |

Prof. Andrea Moro

Tel: +39 0382 375842 |

Prof. Andrea Taramelli

Tel: +39 0382 375847 |

Representative of administrative staff

Dott.ssa Barbara Cardinali

Tel: + 39 0382 375833 |

Representative of the Board of Colleges

Don Alberto Lolli

IUSS students representatives

Sig. Lorenzo Bianchi Chignoli | 

Dott.ssa Margherita D'Ayala |


Federated Board of Governors - till 30/06/2022

The Federated Board of Governors was the governing body of IUSS and the other federated universities. It performed the financial, asset and staff planning functions, guaranteeing the financial sustainability of the activities of each of the federated universities.The Federated Board of Governors was constituted with a joint decree of the rectors/director of the federated universities and lasted for three years.


The Federated Board of Governors was composed by composed of:


Dr. Salvatore Rossi

External member

Dr. Fabio Benasso

External member

Dr. Giuseppe Toscano

IUSS Rector

Prof. Riccardo Pietrabissa

Scuola Sant'Anna Rector

Prof. Sabina Nuti

Scuola Normale Director

Prof. Luigi Ambrosio

IUSS students representative

Umberto Rosa

Scuola Sant'Anna students representative

Francesco Genoni

Scuola Normale students representative

Alessandro Giardini

Federated Evaluation Board- till 30/06/2022

The Federated Evaluation Board, based on Article 27 of the Statute, was the collegial body of the IUSS University School of Advanced Studies and the other federated schools, which provided for the internal evaluation of administrative management, teaching and research activities, verifying, also by means of comparative analyses of costs and returns, the correct use of public resources, the productivity of research and teaching, and the impartiality and good performance of administrative action.

The Federated Evaluation Board, appointed by resolution of the Federated Board of Governors N° 83 of 17 September 2018, had a term of four years starting on 1 October 2018. According to CIVIT Resolution 09/2010, the Federated Evaluation Board also acted as OIV (Independent Evaluation Body).



The Federated Evaluation Committee was composed of seven memebers:


Prof. Stefano Fantoni


Prof. Paolo Boccardelli, Professore Ordinario di Management e Strategie d'Impresa presso LUISS Guido Carli di Roma

Prof. Eugenio Guglielmelli, Professore Ordinario di Bioingegneria Industriale presso l'Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma

Dott.ssa Giulia Maravaglia, Dirigente presso l'Università degli Studi di Firenze, Area per la Valorizzazione del Patrimonio Culturale

Dott.ssa Maria Teresa Protasoni, Responsabile Servizio Pianificazione, Programmazione e Controllo presso l'Università degli Studi di Pavia

Dott.ssa Anna Vivolo, Dirigente MIUR, Ufficio V, Direzione Generale per la Programmazione, il Coordinamento e il Finanziamento delle Istituzioni della Formazione Superiore

Rachele Chiara Maria Lago, Rappresentante degli Allievi degli Atenei federati

Federated Board of Auditors - till 31/10/2022

The Federated Board of Auditors was the governing body of IUSS and the other federated universities that provided confirmation of administrative and accounting management regularity. It lasted for four years.


The Federated Board of Auditors was composed of:


Dr. Donato Centrone

Member and deputy member appointed by the Ministry of Economy and Finances

Dr. Franco Barletta (member)

Dr. Gabriella Consani (deputy member)

Member and deputy member appointed by the Ministry of Educational, Universities and Research

Dr. Marco Pisano (member)

Dr. Monica Canino (deputy member)